Check out Samsung's Oscar ad for the Galaxy S9

While the Super Bowl remains the most watched television program in the U.S. year after year, the Academy Awards (aka Oscars) are also considered must see TV. Tomorrow night, the Oscars will be presented to the Hollywood elite just one year removed from last year's faux pas that saw the wrong film first awarded Best Picture (LaLa Land) before the real winner (Moonlight) was announced. Ironically, that big mistake will probably increase viewership of Sunday night's show as those watching live hope to catch another momentous screw up.

With millions of eyeballs watching the show, the Academy Awards telecast is a must buy for for big name tech firm's media buyers. Earlier today, we showed you Google Nest's Oscar ad for its surveillance webcam/doorbell that also included a not very subtle message to the men of the world. Now, we can show you the Oscar ad that Samsung will have in rotation for the just introduced Samsung Galaxy S9.

Sammy's commercial continues the use of the tag line "Do What You Can't," and is about making something, anything, that you can call your own. Starring some who have made it in the industry both in front and in back of the camera, the ad's best advice includes:
  • "Make mistakes until you don't."
  • "Make them regret the day they passed on you."
  • "Make something undeniably you."
Now here is some good advice from us. Check out the ad by clicking on the video at the top of this story.

source: Samsung

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